Force curves versus velocity for an \(F_1 \rightarrow F_1\) system

In this notebook, we simulate cooling for an \(F_1 \rightarrow F_1\) system. In particular, we reproduces figures from NJP 18, 123017 (2016).

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└ @ Base loading.jl:1662

We’ll first define a few physical constants needed for this simulation.

λ = 1; Γ = 2π; m = 1; k = 2π / λ;

Using QuantumStates, we can create both the ground states (F1_lower) and excited states (F1_upper) using the AngularMomentumState type, which is a state type of “bare” angular momentum states \(|F,m\rangle\).

# F = 1
QN_bounds = (E = 0.0, F = 1)
F1_lower = enumerate_states(AngularMomentumState, QN_bounds)
QN_bounds = (E = 1.0, F = 1)
F1_upper = enumerate_states(AngularMomentumState, QN_bounds)

ground_states = F1_lower
excited_states = F1_upper
states = [ground_states; excited_states]

The transition dipole moments d and the magnetic moments d_m are calculated using QuantumStates.get_tdms_two_bases:

d_ge = get_tdms_two_bases(ground_states, excited_states, TDM)
d = [
    [zeros(length(ground_states), length(excited_states), 3); permutedims(d_ge, (2,1,3))] [d_ge; zeros(length(excited_states), length(ground_states), 3)]

d_m_ge = get_tdms_two_bases(ground_states, excited_states, TDM_magnetic)
d_m = [
    [d_m_ge; zeros(length(ground_states), length(excited_states), 3)] [zeros(length(excited_states), length(ground_states), 3); d_m_ge]

We now define the lasers, along with the detuning \(\Delta\) and saturation \(s\). Note that all lasers have the polarization \(\sigma^+\) in their own frame, which is rotated to the \(\hat{z}\) axis using rotate_pol. (Technically, the rotation is performed from the \(\hat{z}\) axis to the axis of the given laser’s \(k\)-vector because the variable \(\sigma^+\) is defined relative to the \(\hat{z}\) axis.)

# Laser parameters
Δ = -2.5Γ
s = 2.0

# Frequency of the lasers (in angular frequency units)
ω_F1_to_F1 = 2π * (F1_upper[1].E - F1_lower[1].E) + Δ

= +x̂; ϵ = rotate_pol(σ⁺, k̂); laser1 = Laser(k̂, ϵ, ω_F1_to_F1, s)
= -x̂; ϵ = rotate_pol(σ⁺, k̂); laser2 = Laser(k̂, ϵ, ω_F1_to_F1, s)
= +ŷ; ϵ = rotate_pol(σ⁺, k̂); laser3 = Laser(k̂, ϵ, ω_F1_to_F1, s)
= -ŷ; ϵ = rotate_pol(σ⁺, k̂); laser4 = Laser(k̂, ϵ, ω_F1_to_F1, s)
= +ẑ; ϵ = rotate_pol(σ⁺, k̂); laser5 = Laser(k̂, ϵ, ω_F1_to_F1, s)
= -ẑ; ϵ = rotate_pol(σ⁺, k̂); laser6 = Laser(k̂, ϵ, ω_F1_to_F1, s)

lasers = [laser1, laser2, laser3, laser4, laser5, laser6]

Before computing the force across a range of velocities, let’s first check that our simulation produces reasonable results for a specific set of parameters:

# `Particle` type defines the starting position `r0` and velocity `v` used for the simulation
particle = Particle()
particle.r0 = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
particle.v = [0.0, 0.0, 0.2]

# Define the density matrix `ρ0` at t = 0
ρ0 = zeros(ComplexF64, length(states), length(states))
ρ0[1,1] = 1.0

# `freq_res` designates the resolution used for the frequencies and velocity used in the simulation
freq_res = 1e-1

p = obe0, particle, states, lasers, d, d_m, true, true, λ, Γ, freq_res)

# Define the end time `t_end` of the simulation
t_end = 4p.period+1
tspan = (0., t_end)

prob = ODEProblem(ρ!, p.ρ0_vec, tspan, p) 
@time sol = DifferentialEquations.solve(prob, alg=DP5(), abstol=1e-4);
 20.770447 seconds (36.18 M allocations: 3.983 GiB, 3.04% gc time, 99.98% compilation time)
using Plots
plot_us = sol.u
plot_ts = sol.t

n_states = size(p.ρ_soa, 1)
plot(size=(800, 400), ylim=(-0.1, 1.1), legend=nothing)
for i in 1:n_states
    state_idx = n_states*(i-1) + i
    plot!(plot_ts, [real(u[state_idx]) for u in plot_us])

Laser cooling force versus velocity

using Distributions
uniform_dist = Uniform(0, 2π)
function sample_direction(r=1.0)
    θ = 2π * rand()
    z = rand() * 2 - 1
    return (r * sqrt(1 - z^2) * cos(θ), r * sqrt(1 - z^2) * sin(θ), r * z)
function prob_func!(p, scan_values, i)
    # Update velocity and position
    p.v .= (scan_values.v[i], 0.0, 0.1) #sample_direction(inner_config.v[i])
    p.r0 .= rand(uniform_dist, 3)
    return nothing
function param_func(p, scan_values, i)
    return round(norm(p.v), digits=3)
function output_func(p, sol)
    f = p.force_last_period[1]
    return f
t_end = 4p.period+1
tspan = (0., t_end)
prob = ODEProblem(ρ!, p.ρ0_vec, tspan, p, save_on=false) 

vs = repeat(0:0.1:8, 100)
scan_values = (v = vs,)
@time scan_params, forces = force_scan(prob, scan_values, prob_func!, param_func, output_func);
Progress: 100%|█████████████████████████████████████████| Time: 0:00:07
  7.622535 seconds (9.40 M allocations: 630.333 MiB, 1.15% gc time, 49.15% compilation time)
vs, averaged_forces = average_forces(scan_params, forces)
plot(vs, 1e3 .* averaged_forces, legend=nothing)